New WordPress Plugin – IGIT Related Posts With Thumb Image After Posts

Hello Friends, IGIT Related Posts With Thumb After Posts Plugin is second plugin created by me. By this plugin blog admin can add one widget/section after posts having related posts with thumb image. This plugin also empowers the Blog administrator to place manually related posts widget, Also having options to give related posts number,Display Thumb or not,Set Thumb Width and Height and Main thing it is giving three options to select related posts style – Horizontal, Vertical, Simple Style.

By using this plugin on your blog you can attract your visitors to other related articles of your blog.

This plugin is very simple in use, You have to just install it and then set settings by going to settings->IGIT Rel Post With Thumb Image.

Installation Steps :
Installation process is a easy 4 step procedure.
1. Download the zip folder named from HERE.
2. Unzip the folder and put it in the plugins directory of your wordpress installation. (wp-content/plugins).
3. Activate the plugin through the plugin window in the admin panel.
4. Go to ettings->IGIT Rel Post With Thumb Image to set settings for related posts after posts.

Download IGIT Related Posts With Thumb Image After Posts

ScreenShots :


Related Posts on blog after post :


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