jQuery : How To Get Checked Check Box Value By jQuery

Hello Friends, I am always sharing things which i have learnt while doing programming and yesterday when i was making one wordpress plugin which save all options in admin by jQuery Ajax , at that time I was getting one problem in taking checked value of checkbox by jquery. I have searched on internet for solution of this problem but didn’t find that,Finally i posts this problem in one PHP forum thread and i got one reply from one member of that forums for solution of this problem and I used that solution an it worked very well, So I thought to share that solution.

If you want to take value of Checked Checkbox Value by jquery then below is the code for it.

var checkbox_value = $('#check_box_id:checked').val();

In Above code check_box_id is id value of check box. Just use this code and replace your check box id with check_box_id , you will get check box value if ticked in checkbox_value variable.

Let me know if you have any other method to get checkbox values by jquery.

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