[Magento] How To Fetch Products Of Specific Category In Magento

Hi Friends, Some days ago I was working on one magento project in which I need to get products of a specific category, Magento is best eCommerce software and having kostly all functionlity yo retrive data, so I search about it and got one solution to get/fetch/retrive products of specific category. We need to use 2 line of code to get products  from particular category.

Here is code to get particular category products :

$cObj = Mage::getModel(‘catalog/category’)->load($categoryId);
$productObj = $cObj->getProductCollection()->getData();

In above code in first line $categoryId is category id for which you want to fetch products. So just pass category id in this code and you will get products object in $productObj.

I hope this post helpful for someone. If you have any question then you can ask me anytime or post it in comment.

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