Category: .htaccess

How To Change .htaccess File Name

Hi Friends, I think this article title is looking very surprised to you because when i knew this thing I also was little bit surprised that we can change .htaccess name and get it worked by assigning other name like ‘.configuration’ or ‘.serverconfig’ or ‘.urlrewritefile’ , So if you want to change .htaccess file name and get it worked by…

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How To Enable .htaccess Or Rewrite Mode On Apache

Hi Friends, In this article I am going to explain you how can we enable .htaccess  or rewrite mode on Apache server. So to enable .htaccess or mode rewrite on apache server we will need access to httpd.conf file by which we can enable .htacess /mod rewrite. .htaccess files allows us to change configurations on our servers per directory or subdirectory,…

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How To Change Different PHP Version By .htaccess

Hi Friends, In this article I will explain how can we change version of PHP by htaccess. Sometime some application need php version 5 instead of 4 and on server php4 version used by default but If php5 already installed on server then we can use php5 version by putting one line in .htaccess file.

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Non WWW to WWW and WWW to Non WWW Redirect By .htaccess

Hello Friends, Yesterday i got one problem in domain name with www and also without www (non www). Our site URL with WWW and without WWW is very important for seo purposes and also for google. According to Matt Cutts url canonicalization article we have only one url for whole site like with www or without www. If you are…

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