Category: jQuery

jQuery: Solution of $(…) is null on pages

Hi Friends, Sometime when you used jquery on somepages and mostly in wordpress then I think you must got encountered with this error “$(…) is null” where … would be your element class name or id. I know this error is very small but really frustating because we didnt find what we are doing wrong. So I also got this…

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Colorbox : Change Position of Close Button To Top Right

Hi Friends, After many days now I am again back to blogging. Today I am going to write about one small thing  about Colorbox (A lightweight customizable lightbox plugin for jQuery).When I implemented Colorbox in one of my client site, My client liked it very much but he got one comment only that he want close button at top right corner…

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How To Get Checked Check Boxes Values By jQuery

Hi Friends, Some days ago I was trying to take checked values of checkboxes via jQuery while using jQuery Ajax. I tried to find out on internet about how to get checked checkbox values and I found so many articles but didn’t find any clear code which is working good, So i have  tried it myself by taking reference from…

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jQuery : How To Get Checked Check Box Value By jQuery

Hello Friends, I am always sharing things which i have learnt while doing programming and yesterday when i was making one wordpress plugin which save all options in admin by jQuery Ajax , at that time I was getting one problem in taking checked value of checkbox by jquery. I have searched on internet for solution of this problem but…

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The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider – Nivo Slider

Hello Friends, I used so many sliders in jQuery for images but today I was searching for a new jquery image slider which having new effects and easy to implement and most important thing that it should work on all major browsers(Please dnt consider IE6 as Major browser.It is buggy browser so if you have IE6 then upgrade it to…

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Use jQuery With Other Libraries Like Prototype and MooTools

Hello Friends, There are so many javascripts libraries available in web world like jQuery, prototype, moo tools which having so many functionality and so many features available to make site attractive. But sometime when we need to use two or more libraries together to achieve some functionality, they conflicts with each other. So to avoid conflict with each other we…

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