Category: CakePHP

Set Page Title Syntax In CakePHP 1.3

Hello Friends, I have worked in CakePHP 1.2 some time ago and after long time I have started new CakePHP project and now CakePHP 1.3 available and CakePHP 1.3 having so many new features. So when I used CakePHP 1.3 for new project then I found that set page title syntax has been changed in CakePHP 1.3. In CakePHP 1.2…

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CakePHP Session Timeout or Change Session Length in CakePHP

Hello Friends, This is my first post on this blog. Basically i am web developer having 2 plus year of experience in PHP,Ajax, jQuery, HTML, CakePHP, WordPress, Joomla and Expression Engine. I already have one blog which is related to Hacking and Technology. I am daily working on PHP and getting so many problems I started this blog to just…

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