jQuery : How To Get Checked Check Box Value By jQuery

Hello Friends, I am always sharing things which i have learnt while doing programming and yesterday when i was making one wordpress plugin which save all options in admin by jQuery Ajax , at that time I was getting one problem in taking checked value of checkbox by jquery. I have searched on internet for solution of this problem but…

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Set Page Title Syntax In CakePHP 1.3

Hello Friends, I have worked in CakePHP 1.2 some time ago and after long time I have started new CakePHP project and now CakePHP 1.3 available and CakePHP 1.3 having so many new features. So when I used CakePHP 1.3 for new project then I found that set page title syntax has been changed in CakePHP 1.3. In CakePHP 1.2…

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New WordPress Plugin – IGIT Related Posts With Thumb Image After Posts

Hello Friends, IGIT Related Posts With Thumb After Posts Plugin is second plugin created by me. By this plugin blog admin can add one widget/section after posts having related posts with thumb image. This plugin also empowers the Blog administrator to place manually related posts widget, Also having options to give related posts number,Display Thumb or not,Set Thumb Width and…

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The Most Awesome jQuery Image Slider – Nivo Slider

Hello Friends, I used so many sliders in jQuery for images but today I was searching for a new jquery image slider which having new effects and easy to implement and most important thing that it should work on all major browsers(Please dnt consider IE6 as Major browser.It is buggy browser so if you have IE6 then upgrade it to…

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WordPress Plugin To Loads Fast,Make Blog iPhone,iPodTouch, Android, Blackberry Compatible

Hello Friends, Yesterday i was searching for some plugins to make my site all phones like iPhone,iPodTouch, Android, Blackberry compatible and after finding and installing so many plugins on my blog i found a good plugin WpTouch which is a mobile theme for our wordpress blog which is created after Apple’s app store design specs, WPtouch loads lightning fast and…

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How To Take Full Backup From cPanel By PHP Script

Hello Friends, as a developer i am daily using cPanel and its features and in that features cPanel provide one feature to take full backup or to take backup of any folder from the server but sometimes in some circumstances we have to take daily/weekly/monthly full backup of files by PHP script by running cron job. Yesterday i was searching …

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Use jQuery With Other Libraries Like Prototype and MooTools

Hello Friends, There are so many javascripts libraries available in web world like jQuery, prototype, moo tools which having so many functionality and so many features available to make site attractive. But sometime when we need to use two or more libraries together to achieve some functionality, they conflicts with each other. So to avoid conflict with each other we…

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How to:Start mails in local in Apache (Xampp or Wamp Server)

Hello Friends, Today i am writing this article for starting mails in xampp or wamp server whatever you are using for developing PHP based web application. By default xampp or wamp server don’t have mail facility (using SMTP) ON, So to do this we have to modify some settings to start mail functionality in local using SMTP. I have search…

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jQuery 1.4.1 released After Release 12 Days of jQuery 1.4

Hello Friends, JQuery is the most popular JavaScript library in use today.jQuery is free, open source software, dual-licensed under the MIT License and the GNU General Public License, Version 2.jQuery’s syntax is designed to make it easier to navigate a document, select DOM elements, create animations, handle events, and develop Ajax applications. jQuery also provides capabilities for developers to create…

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